Facebook Now Lets You Edit Your Posts | TechTree.com

Facebook Now Lets You Edit Your Posts

Shows edited history to your friends; update available on Android app as well.


For those of you who update their Facebook statuses often, only to realise later that you've said more than you intended (commonly known as foot-in-mouth syndrome) or that you need to change something (typing lust instead of list can be disastrous) without having to retype an entire memoir, the social network just gave you the thing you needed. Facebook rolled out a new update that lets you make changes to statues and posts after you hit the share button. Similar to edited comments though, it will sport an "Edited" tag along with showing history of edits (just like with comments), telling your friends that you goofed up.

Also while you can edit text with links, photos, and statues, you can't change the actual links. If you have shared stuff from external website (such as YouTube) you can't even edit text, as observed by Digital Trends. The feature has been made available to the Android app, but iOS users will have to wait a bit longer for the feature to be rolled out.

TAGS: Internet, Facebook
